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EVP guidelines

The EVP setting has certain rules which must be adhered to, lest the resulting story be declared non-canonical.

In general, the EVP setting can accommodate any mythical creature that either (a) is sufficiently powerful that it can conceal its existence from the mundane world, and/or (b) resides in locale(s) sufficiently obscure or inaccessible that it's reasonable to believe it wouldn't have been discovered. Conversely, EVP does not include those mythical creatures that are either (a) not powerful enough to conceal their existence, and/or (b) sufficiently obtrusive that they just plain would violate the ironclad 'no obvious magic' rule, end of discussion.

Unicorns, dragons, mermaids, leprechauns, elves, and kitsune are either known to exist in the setting, or else are acceptable under the 'powerful enough' or 'obscure/inaccessible home' clauses. Lycanthropes and vampires -- so-called 'recruiting monsters' -- are forbidden, on the grounds that if they did exist, all humanity should logically have converted into their kind(s) several thousand (million?) years ago. Centaurs are forbidden on the grounds of their highly conspicuous size and their lack of magical concealment. If you're not sure about some mythical creature not mentioned here, ask the setting's arbiter for a ruling.

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