For your reading pleasure, Tempest presents yet another exquisite example of romantic narrative…

Burning, Bloody Sunrise
by Zachary Bohr, LL.D

   Waiting alone in the quiet chapel where they had first met, with the perilous cries of the frolicking children wafting in from outside, the terrified Edwin thought once more of young Lawrence, the mysterious stranger with the large dog. He was now, according to father, the hapless captive of mind-devouring space aliens.
   Just then, came a confused chorus of greetings from the courtyard, and she instinctively checked her fingernails. He was here! “All I have is yours, you little fool!” he said.
   At long last the horror of these last months vanished in a blaze of joy, and as there was a much-appreciated break in the formerly-incessant shelling, she at last understood that for the two of them, life was only now really beginning.

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