For your reading pleasure, Tempest presents yet another exquisite example of romantic narrative…

Passionate Barbarians, Underappreciated Seasons
by Gwynne Fargo Carson, MA, PhD

   Waiting alone in the room where Colin had witnessed the apparition, with the barbarian rank odour of decay wafting in from outside, the softly-sobbing Archibald thought once more of Chastity, the mysterious stranger with the large dog. He was now, according to persistent rumours, in the clutches of Charity Zelazny and his gang of cutthroats.
   Just then, came a sudden clatter of hooves, and she shut her eyes tight for one moment of silent prayer. He was here! “We marry tonight, sweetheart!” he chuckled.
   Then, without any warning, the band began to play, and as it dawned on her that her days of loneliness were over, she vowed never again to do anything spiteful, foolish or immature.

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