[tsat home] [#8]


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Hoofnotes, by Aatheus Centauri
by Aatheus Centauri

Otter's Ponderings by Oren the OtterOtter's Ponderings by Oren the Otter
by Oren the Otter

People Like Us by Andy Hollis (with a lot of help from Bill Hart)
by Andy Hollis
with a lot of help from Bill Hart

This is a special interview from Bennett City with the "Old Man" of Spells 'R Us fame. See Andy's and Paul's stories for an explanation.

People Like Us by Oren the Otter
by Oren the Otter

This issue Bill Holbrook is featured.
Check out some of his fabulous Kevin & Kell strips in our ART section.

[tsat home] [#8]